Mysteries are untouched realities
The title may be very mystical-sounding but I assure you this post is quite modern.
If you relate with even three of the following points, be careful because you might be heading to a dangerous place.
“I’m disconnected now.”
This is a phrase (or clause for grammar Nazis) which you must have heard quite frequently over the past few years. There has been a growing need among people to socialize since “the advent of wireless communication” or basically — the development of internet and social media.
People start off their accounts with pictures that create a mystery about their identity. They want you to search them. (maybe even stalk them!). They will begin with a picture of, … maybe them with a dog (which is not even theirs’ but their friend’s!). They start following their acquaintances, in the hope of getting more people to follow them. And that right there is another rat race being flagged off!… Now it’s a competition!. How come he/she has more followers than me, maybe I’m doing it wrong, maybe… I need to get a little more personal, you know, show my personal self a little more. So, on their way now, are photos of their breakfast, the bookstore they are visiting (just for that picture BTW, it’s not that there is anything they wish to read, except perhaps their own biography!!), more pets and whatnot.
That is to say that their state of self-obsession worsens by the day. Now, they have no other care in the world. “All I want now is to get the next perfect shot that can go up on my wall” (or my timeline or whatever). The addiction has just begun. Now they go to as many parties as they can and end up becoming some sort of ‘social icon’. That is just great. “Now even unknown people (not all stalker-looking) have started following me, … now is maybe the time when I need to look into and care about some social matters.” So, they will start going to donation drives, to health camps and post pictures with kids suffering from malnutrition. “This will definitely get me some sad reacts and maybe some help for the kids.” (So, maybe the motive is not all self-centered after all!). Everything is going well and good. They are telling the world exactly where they are (pinpointing it with GPS!), exactly what they are doing and where they will head next. Just like it’s supposed to be! (Hello criminals, I’m not afraid of ya!) And then one day, out of the blue, someone attractive, starts DMing them.
“I saw him/her like my posts, but I never really thought they would be interested! (Because behind the exotic layers, not many know about my real state!)”. I know this is kinda sad and depressing but what follows is REALLY going to cheer you up… because … what follows is… a WHOLE NEW BUNCH OF C**P, more doctored expressions, more fake encounters and roun, to keep the other one interested. Well, as soon as one manages to even touch, the surface of the other’s actual “situation” … there isn’t much left to say there.
ALL this leads to one simple conclusion — Don’t Socialize… WAIT, what!?… I didn’t mean that (that kinda contradicted my whole point). What I meant was that, maybe more actual face-to-face (instead of FaceTimed) interactions could work wonders. And what do you know, you might actually end up making some true friends and not just your other “friends/followers”.
“Light can be found in the darkest of times…
If one only remembers to turn on the lights…”
- Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
(Sorry, I just started geeking out)
Anyway, all we are done with yet, are just the normal scenarios. Don’t even get me started on people’s fixations.
OK then, you asked for it. The next stop in the path is … you guessed it right… STALKERS. Do not underestimate this word. (And for all those Netflix junkies out there, if YOU don’t get it, then probably you haven’t watched ‘YOU’ yet.)
So, the social media obsession is in full swing, right?! and who doesn’t like a few stalkers.(Well they won’t admit at first but some do crave some non-crazy obsessive fans or “stalkers”) It makes you feel important, right? … WRONG!! The next thing you know they are following you EVERYWHERE. Be it your workplace or your hangout.
When, a charming yet awkward crush turns into something sinister, you never know.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not some bitter, cynical, sad, lonely person sitting in the corner of my room with headphones on, writing this because I’m jealous of the great social life other people have.
(Tell me those weren’t the exact same words that swept through your mind as you read this piece) … Well I don’t think I am. I am not the one who is clicking a selfie with an unfinished writing and “hash-tagging” it –
#latenitegoals #feelingcreative #someotherc**p …
Good-bye. God Bless. Good Night.
This is an old post migrated from my previous blog.
I am in no way implying that all the ‘popular’ people on social-networking sites are fake and hollow. It’s just that those who are, I feel that it would be better if they were living their life and not a popularity contest.
(Then again, I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t mention that the occasional well-liked post on my profile does put a smile on my face.😉)
About This Post::
Now, this was my third writing attempt. This is about ‘e-socializing’ with people. This one, I hope, gives you a chuckle, being relatable at the same time. Also, I have no intention of hurting anyone so kindly consider this to be a light-hearted read (which you probably got from the way I wrote it, giving no s**t to punctuation).
So, if you have any other interesting stories(/experiences) related to this, do jot them down in the comments below.
Happy reading!!